The chemical company Stahl gives a series of online lectures in which the students of the degree in Industrial Fashion Management participate


Ferrol, November 04, 2020.- Within the framework of the subject “Technology: fabrics and materials” of the third year of the degree in Industrial Fashion Management, professors Ramón Artiaga and Jorge López Beceiro scheduled the series of online conferences “Leather, synthetic leathers and fabrics in the fashion industry” to be given on November 10, 17 and 24, from 11:30 to 13:00 hours, by several experts from the Dutch chemical company Stahl.

The industrial process of leather was the focus of the first lecture, which took place yesterday, Tuesday, November 3, given by Stahl’s Training Manager, Janssen van Drunen Annelies. The finishing stages in the processing of hides and/or leather and their applications in fashion will be the focus of the conference on Tuesday, November 10, which will also be given by the head of the design department of the Dutch company, Cecconi Caterina. The last two conferences, scheduled for November 17 and 24, will be given by the head of the fabrics department, Theo Breugelmans, and the global market manager for synthetic materials, Eric Timmermans. The four lectures will be held entirely in English and can be followed via the Teams platform.