The external practices are a training activity that aims to allow students to apply and complement the knowledge acquired in their academic training. The practices should promote the acquisition of skills that prepare students for the exercise of professional activities and, likewise, promote their employability, always under the supervision of the University. In general, these are unpaid internships.
The external practices are a training activity that aims to allow students to apply and complement the knowledge acquired in their academic training. The practices should promote the acquisition of skills that prepare students for the exercise of professional activities and, likewise, promote their employability, always under the supervision of the University. In general, these are unpaid practices.
Students must complete their theoretical training with skills and competencies aimed at better development of their future activity, in addition to acquiring experience that will facilitate their access to the job market.
The study program of the Degree in Industrial Fashion Management includes a compulsory subject of external practices that must be taken during the second quarter of the fourth year with a value of 18 ECTS (equivalent to 450 hours).
In order to carry out external internships, it is necessary to formalize an educational cooperation agreement between the UDC and the collaborating entity in which the conditions for the internship are regulated. The internship will be monitored by a tutor from the university and by a professional tutor appointed by the collaborating entity.