English requirements and time limits



of language


for the language acreditation


of language

Be in possession of one of these certificates:

Official certification of level B1 of English (only certificates recognized by the Association of Language Centers in Higher Education, www.acles.es) will be accepted.

Qualification in English with an average grade of 7 or higher in the two years of the baccalaureate.

4th of ESO or a baccalaureate course exceeded in English language education systems.

Diploma of attendance and use of B1.2 or higher, or diploma of domain of B1 or higher of the Language Center of the University of A Coruña. Similar certificates issued by other language centers of Spanish universities will also be accepted.

Accredit your English level between April 8 and June 23 of 2019


If you do not have one of the requested certificates, the Language Center of the UDC offers proof of English proficiency


IELTS del British Council

Thursday, May 23 of 2019

School of Philology. Zapateira’s Campus – A Coruña

CertAcles de ACLES

Monday, June 3 of 2019

(pending matriculation opening)

Be in possession of one of these certificates:

Official certification of level B1 of English (only certificates recognized by the Association of Language Centers in Higher Education, www.acles.es) will be accepted.

Qualification in English with an average grade of 7 or higher in the two years of the baccalaureate.

4th of ESO or a baccalaureate course exceeded in English language education systems.

Diploma of attendance and use of B1.2 or higher, or diploma of domain of B1 or higher of the Language Center of the University of A Coruña. Similar certificates issued by other language centers of Spanish universities will also be accepted.

Online certificates to prove your level of English:

TOEFL IBT Special Home Edition

ONLINE exam to accredit a B1 level of English at the Language Center of the University of A Coruña.

Thursday, June 18 at 10:00 a.m. – Sign up


If you are interested in the Industrial Fashion Degree, you must send your documentation to prove your level of English.

The deadline to send the certificates of level B1 in English for the 2021/22 Course has ended at 23:59 hours on Wednesday, June 16, 2021.
Course 2020/21: The deadline to submit B1 level English certificates for the 2021/22 academic year will remain open from 00:01 hours on April 20 until 23:59 hours on June 16, 2021.

    Attached document (Máx. 1 file. Limit size 4MB)
    Official certification of level B1 of EnglishEnglish qualification equal or superior to 7 in the two A levels4th of O.S.E or a A level exceeded in English language education systemsDiploma of attendance and use of B1.2 or higher, or diploma of domain of B1 or higher of the Language Center of the University of A Coruña or similar certificates

    I have read and I accept the legal bases