International mobility

Students in 3rd and 4th year have the possibility to do a mobility for study purposes. If you intend to apply for mobility, the new Call for international mobility places for the following academic year is usually published in January. For information on requirements and terms of the call, it is recommended to consult the website of the International Relations Office.


The student must comply with the foreign language requirements that are regulated in the call, specifically in section 4 of the Call for international mobility places for students for the 2021/22 academic year: Erasmus + and Bilateral SM (published on 01/08/2021)

level A2 German, Italian or Portuguese

B1 if they are in English, French or any other language

Accreditation must be valid at the time of application, since certificates cannot be presented afterwards. On the part of the destination, it may have additional language requirements that should be consulted by the students).

List of Centers

The list of destination centers currently offered is available in the list of international mobility vacancies in section 5º which can be consulted by centers and degrees at this link. It is important to consult in each possible destination center the language in which the teaching is given since if a student requests a destination for which he or she does not have the language certificate, the application will be rejected for that destination; although if he or she has requested others for which he or she does have the certificate, he or she will be able to apply for them.

The places in each destination are allocated in the resolution based on the preferences they have indicated, their file grade and the languages over and above those of the destination that they can prove until the available places are completed. Once the destination has been assigned, the process will start to be able to carry out the mobility that is managed through the Office of International Relations (ORI) of the Ferrol Campus and the coordination Erasmus of the Faculty of Humanities and Documentation. This information can be consulted in point 7º of the Call for Mobility where the selection criteria are detailed.


International Relations Office, Ferrol Campus | +34 881 013 634

Erasmus tutor for the Degree in Industrial Fashion Management

Diego Crespo Pereira | | +34 881 01 38 58