Industrial Fashion Management students will present the design of a raincoat made of waterproof fabric in a creative textile recycling marathon in Madrid


Ferrol, November 10, 2020.- The design and creation of a raincoat, made from the waterproof fabric of an old tent, will lead four students of the Degree in Industrial Fashion Management to participate in the 5th edition of the Creative Textile Recycling Marathon La Casa Encendida in defense of sustainable fashion on November 13, 14 and 15 in Madrid. The proposal of Manuel Sánchez Rodríguez, Magdalena Rodríguez Tomé, Daniel Mirás Quintas and Ana García Novo was selected to participate in the activity “Convocatoria de Creadoras”, an initiative in which designers or students will make their own recycled garments through several live Instagram accounts throughout the weekend.

As explained by the students themselves, the possibility of participating in this activity and, by extension, in the marathon promoted by La Casa Encendida and by the cooperative Altrapo Lab, comes from the teacher Patricia Muñiz Núñez who teaches the subject of “Fashion Design” in the second year of the degree in Industrial Fashion Management. Thus, Manuel, Magdalena and Daniel began to work in class to design a garment with reused or recycled materials. Soon, Ana, a student of the third course, joined the project, who will be in charge of sewing the garment with which they were selected.

The clothing of the Galician fishermen was the source of inspiration for a raincoat that will be made with waterproof fabric from an old tent and carbon fiber ropes. The garment will have a back compartment where waste can be stored for later reuse or recycling. In this same area you can read the word “Act”, a declaration of intention, according to the students themselves. With the design of this raincoat, the students of the degree in Industrial Management of Fashion want to support initiatives such as collecting garbage when running or cleaning dirty areas or zones, publishing in social networks the before and after, favoring the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (ODS) of the Agenda 2030 of the United Nations Organization.

Named Homesickness Project, the proposal of the students of the Faculty of Humanities and Documentation of the Campus of Ferrol seeks to generate a positive impact through design and prevent fashion to continue to be one of the most polluting industries on the planet. In fact, their proposal seeks to compensate the emissions generated during the first manufacture of a garment or object through the collection of all kinds of plastic waste to give them a new use.


In defense of sustainable fashion

The program of the 5th edition of the Creative Textile Recycling Marathon La Casa Encendida de Fundación Montemadrid includes an interview with the founder of the Fashion Revolution movement, Orsola de Castro, a round table on fashion consumption with Brenda Chávez, a journalist specialized in fashion and consumption, Jessica Checa, head of communication of Fashion Revolution Spain, and Cristina Salvador, partner and founder of Recumadrid. In addition to the activity “Call for Creators” in which the students of the degree in Industrial Fashion Management will participate, several practical workshops based on the recovery of clothes and accessories will be given. All the activities of the marathon can be followed live on Instagram and YouTube channel of La Casa Encendida.